























Fabric Story

Our experience in materials tells us that 2 x 2 mercerized  broadcloth always wins compliments by it rich and silky feel and look. It is a benchmark of high quality cotton material. All our materials reach this benchmark or above.

Two by two is a way to weave cloth by using threads wrung by 2 smaller threads. This makes a tighter and stronger weave.

Durable fine-Oxford pin-point is best for every-day working purpose. An oxford cloth is woven by using threads of 2 different colors. It is a modern classic. Its primary quality is strong and long lasting. The cloth is noted for its unique needle-point look.

The luxurious cotton poplin gives you a note of accent. Poplin is woven by using very fine cotton threads being woven into a cross-wise rib. It is thin with strength and with a velvety feel. It looks rich and feels supple.

The Egyptian cotton is famous for its excellent quality with long and silky staple. Originally grown in Egypt and now become a benchmark of good quality cotton and grown in all major cotton producing countries especially in the USA. Egypt is still exporting a large quantity of cotton to Europe for the weaving industries which are top in immaculate skill of color mastery and pattern design

The Sea-Island cotton is also a top quality cotton species but it production quantity is limited. It is available when you are ready to pay a good price for it.


Tips for cotton maintenance:

1, Do not use hot water to boil your cotton 

   shirts, this will shrink the cotton fibre and 

   destroy its resiliency. The optimal 

    temperature should not exceed 40.

2, In order to regain the cotton resiliency of your 

    shirt, fabric softener is highly recommended.

3, It is advisable to wash your cotton shirts by 

    your own machine but have them pressed by    

    laundry shop, if possible.




As the color and design of shirting fabric are changing every season, the fabric sample swatches provided on this site represent  some of  the classic and basic design only. Please use Swatches-On-Demand service to get the latest designs of fabrics by email or Whatsapp.


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                                       : laclasse@makemeshirts.com.hk